Poetry is more than just lines of words. Philosophy, the humanities, spirituality, even science, and politics can coexist within a few simple words.

This newsletter/blog is my contribution to the art form.

What’s in it for me?

I am offering my poetry and ponderings for absolutely free every other Saturday right now.

As am poor and technically homeless, I am offering a subscription of $10/month or $100/year and you will receive access to the newsletter as originally formatted.


If you are flush with cash and of a generous nature, I have a Founding Member level for $250/year and you will receive all of this and more, including my undying love.

Subscribe to Poems and Ponderings

Poems and ponderings of a wandering misfit


At 70+ years old I am not truly "old", but am beyond the vicissitudes of youth. My credentials are that I have survived and achieved a degree of peace with myself and the world. Love poetry and "organic" wisdom.